Resources: Widget

← Back 2/28/2024

WARNING: This script may not work as intended

Using's API, this widget tracks what song you are currently listening to and displays it on your site.

Original code by laura with her permission.

This script assumes you have a HTML element with an id of listening.

// this script is under the MIT license (
const USERNAME = ""; // Put your LastFM username here
const BASE_URL = `${USERNAME}/latest-song`;

const getTrack = async () => {
    const request = await fetch(BASE_URL);
    const json = await request.json();
    let status

    let isPlaying = json.track['@attr']?.nowplaying || false;

    if(!isPlaying) {
        // Trigger if a song isn't playing
    } else {
        // Trigger if a song is playing

    // Values:
    // COVER IMAGE: json.track.image[1]['#text']
    // TITLE:
    // ARTIST: json.track.artist['#text']

    document.getElementById("listening").innerHTML = `
    <img src="${json.track.image[1]['#text']}">
    <div id="trackInfo">
    <h3 id="trackName">${}</h3>
    <p id="artistName">${json.track.artist['#text']}</p>

setInterval(() => { getTrack(); }, 10000);